Funnellogics Review [A Done-for-You System That Works?]

Funnellogics Review

Welcome to my Funnellogics Review!

Funnellogics came to my inbox today, funnily enough, marked as a spam email. 

So I thought, “Oh here we go again.” 

But guess what?

My immediate assumptions may have been wrong. 

I decided to purchase Funnellogics and I’m going to reveal to you what it’s all about. I’ll give you an in-depth look into this done-for-you system. 

Is it worth the price? Does it actually work? I’m generally against done-for-you systems, but this one is a little different. 

Let’s dive into this Funnellogics review. 

Funnellogics Summary

Product: FunnellogicsCost: $17 (limited training) or $37 / month or a $197 one-time fee for a VIP membership (details below)Owner(s): Freddy Owen & Jonas NielsenBest For: Those who have some basic knowledge of email marketing and affiliate marketing. 

Funnellogics Review - Logo<img alt=”Funnellogics Review – Logo” width=”700″ height=”176″ title=”Funnellogics_logo” data-id=”4123″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;” data-link-wrap=”1″>

What is Funnellogics?

According to the sales page, the premise behind Funnellogics is that you create “self-liquidating” funnels which means that they “spit out more than you put in”. 

For instance, if you put $1 into it, you’ll get $2 back. Put in $500, you’ll get $1000 back. You can get back double the amount that you put into advertising dollars. 

Freddy says that he makes about $15,000 a month on average and he can maintain that with about 20-30 minutes per day with these sales funnels. 

He says that building your own self-liquidating funnels is not easy because most marketers will put in $1 and get back about $0.20. 

Freddy’s Story

Freddy tells us his story. He was working at a car dealership making chump change working 10 hour days for someone else. He spent 17 years doing this and missed out on a lot of his son’s early years. 

He eventually wandered into the online world and left that car dealership behind. He struggled for a year and a half, his house going into foreclosure and he realized he didn’t have to reinvent the wheel. He was making it harder than it had to be!

He ended up going to a Mastermind group with 6- 7-figure income earners and he realized they weren’t any different than him. He just had stay consistent and never give up. (Great advice for us all!)

More about Self-Liquidating Funnels

Freddy said when he first started online, he didn’t know anything about self-liquidating funnels or how to put one together, but he eventually cracked the code. 

In order to make money as an affiliate:

Funnellogics review - convert leads into sales<img alt=”Funnellogics review – convert leads into sales” width=”584″ height=”178″ title=”Funnellogics_review_sales” data-id=”5306″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>

He considers this to be the most proven affiliate marketing method of 2019, but the issue, he says, is that people don’t see the whole picture of how online marketing works. 

You have to think about your audience, the traffic, your offer and how they all fit together. It’s complicated and overwhelming, but that’s where Funnellogics comes in. 

The show you how to set up these self-liquidating funnels, start to finish. From setting them up on your domain, sending traffic to them and following up via emails. 

There is a catch.

You still need to put in the work and take the action necessary. This is a real business, and there’s always going to be some amount of work involved in any business. 

Member Testimonials

Unlike a lot of marketing products that I review, Funnellogics includes real testimonials from people who are not actors. Here’s one such testimonial:

So, we have a pretty good idea of what this is, but let’s see if we can dig in a little more and see how it really works.

How Does ​Funnellogics Work?

I decided to purchase this product as funnels are something that I’m personally interested in learning more about, and because I wanted to give you an inside look into what you get with your membership.

As soon as I purchased, I was redirected to ClickFunnels, which confused me at first, but I kind of understand why they did that now, and I’ll explain in a bit.

There are currently two levels of Funnellogics, regular and VIP.  

What You Get with the “Regular” Membership: 

  • Funnellogics walkthrough
  • The tools you need to make this work (I’ll tell you about this below)
  • Funnel basics, which goes over funnels, squeeze pages, autoresponders, traffic, and affiliate marketing 
  • A walkthrough of how to use Clickfunnels with Funnellogics (this is explained below)
  • A walkthrough of how to use Thrive Architect with Funnellogics (this is explained below)
  • Setting up WordPress
  • Link tracking
  • Done-for-you funnels
  • Extra niche squeeze pages
  • Thank you / Redirect page templates
  • Pre-frame page template
  • Email marketing 
  • Finding the right offers to promote
  • Best traffic sources
  • Keyword lists
  • Lead magnets

Honestly, that’s a nice amount of training for $17!

What You Get with the VIP Membership

  • Weekly funnel packs
  • In-depth traffic strategies
  • Advanced email marketing training
  • Agency funnels
  • Bonus training videos
  • Mindset and productivity videos
  • Recorded coaching calls
  • Ability to request a funnel

From what I understand, VIP members will continue getting more and more training videos. This is something that will be continuously updated. 

The membership area is really nice. It’s very clean, and easy to find everything you need.

Each of the items on the menu drops down and you have a series of training videos on that particular topic. For instance, here’s the drop down for the Funnel Basics module:

The Funnellogics member's area is easy to navigate<img alt=”Funnellogics review – Everything is clean and easy to find” width=”853″ height=”503″ title=”b5d7685980cd7d57c0d7198bf6111aef_cropped_optimized” data-id=”4120″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>

You can see that everything is very neatly packaged.

What you’ll get with this product is a series of training videos on how to set up sales funnels – from landing pages (they even provide already-made landing pages that you can use) to the right way to market with email.

Is Funnellogics a Scam?

Funnellogics is definitely not a scam. In fact, I am really impressed with the quality of the training videos and the information they are providing.

If you’re already an expert at funnels, this is likely not something that you need. However, if it’s newer to you, or you need better skills, this is a great product to have. 

You are walked through the entire process, step by step.

Thumbs Up<img alt=”Thumbs Up” width=”500″ height=”500″ title=”Thumbsup_Black” data-id=”3636″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>

Funnellogics Review – Pros

  • Very thorough step by step training videos
  • Learn how to use landing pages & email marketing the right way
  • Done-for-you funnel templates that you can just load right to your site (new funnels will be added continuously, and VIP members can even request a funnel) 
  • Walkthrough of how to set up a WordPress site if you don’t already have one
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Invite to the secret Facebook group page for support (You can see I made it in and already received a welcome message! The team at Funnellogics is very helpful and on top of questions in the group.)

Funnellogics review - FB Group<img alt=”Funnellogics review – FB Group” width=”342″ height=”404″ title=”7506da1faa07937de762032a43ee1975_cropped_optimized” data-id=”4121″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>

Funnellogics Review – Cons

  • You will need to purchase some additional things, if you don’t have them (I’ll explain below)
  • You can go into this as a newbie, but I personally feel it would be best to have some knowledge about setting up a website and affiliate marketing before going into sales funnels (see my solution in the next section)

Additional Services You’ll Need to Make This Work

In order to make Funnellogics work, you will need a few things:

1. ClickFunnels or Thrive Architect (or another page builder)

Many people love ClickFunnels (see my ClickFunnels review here) because it’s really easy to use. However, it’s pricey at $97 / month. (They have a fantastic affiliate program though, and you could potentially make that back – and more – by promoting them.) You can also try it out free for 14 days

I personally use and love Thrive Architect. I am a Thrive Member, which means I get to use all of their great products, however, you only need Architect for Funnellogics. At $67 (that’s a one-time price), it’s a much cheaper option than ClickFunnels.

The guys at Funnellogics said you can even use another page builder (they provide all the funnel copy and images for you to grab if you want to use this option), but they’re fully integrated with ClickFunnels and Thrive Architect, which makes it a bit easier to use.

2. An Email Autoresponder

They suggest using Aweber or Get Response. I personally use ConvertKit. You can use whatever suits you best here. Email marketing is a HUGE piece of the funnel process, so this is definitely a necessity.

3. Traffic

They suggest buying traffic, and there are a few suggestions in the member’s area where to do that. You can also purchase ads via the major search engines to drive traffic to your funnels.

4. Hosting

If you don’t already have a website and a web host, you’ll need that too. They suggest SiteGround. I have great hosting included with my Wealthy Affiliate membership. (More about that below.)

To sum it up, Funnellogics gives you the training and some of the tools you’ll need. You will need to purchase some of the other tools in order to make this work.

I know it seems like a lot and it can be daunting, but in order to make money online, you do need to invest in some things. That’s just the way it goes! The goal is to far exceed the amount that you’ve invested in.

If this is all a bit confusing, let’s get you started at the beginning by learning how to set up an affiliate marketing website. 

Learn How to Build a Website Step by Step

If Funnellogics just seems a bit too much for you, you may need to take a step back and learn how to build a website first. I highly recommend the site that taught me how to do this, Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate will take you through the entire process of setting up a website from start to finish. You will learn everything you need to know about how to make money with affiliate marketing, the proper way to set up your site for best results in Google, keyword research and much, much more.

As I mentioned, as a Premium Member, web hosting is included, which would save you that additional cost. Wealthy Affiliate is a great place to start, and it’s ALWAYS my #1 recommendation.


I am highly impressed so far by Funnellogics, and it’s nice to see some great ClickBank products come out recently!

I will continue to go through the training and start taking action on what I’m learning. (That’s one of the major keys to success. You can’t just learn – you have to DO.) I will update my progress here as I go along.

In the meantime, I would definitely recommend Funnellogics, as it’s a great program and they are going to continue to add more and more content and training.

Click here to go to Funnellogics.

If it’s a little too unknown right now, and you want to start from the beginning, I 100% recommend Wealthy Affiliate to get you started.

(I just found Freddy in Wealthy Affiliate, which just goes to show what a great platform it truly is to get people started!) 

Click here to go to Wealthy Affiliate.

Do you have any questions or comments about this Funnellogics review, or about Wealthy Affiliate, or any of the other services I mentioned? Leave them for me in the comments below!

18 thoughts on “Funnellogics Review [A Done-for-You System That Works?]”

  1. Reinvent the wheel LOL.  I like how there are two different options, one to learn and refine and one that is easier to use.

    I also like that it uses word press which I am vaguely familiar with so it might make it a bit easier for me.  I am far from an expert on funnels but I would love to learn more about how they work and how to make them work properly and functionally.

    I am glad you outlined the extra’s that you may need to progress in this as a lot of programs do not until you’ve already made the original purchase.

    I have heard good and bad things about click bank but this one is in the positive rank so I guess that’s a good thing, about how much would you say you need to invest with all the extra’s in the end?

    • Well, Funnellogics is $37, but I’ve been chatting with Freddy, and that price may go up at some point. ClickFunnels is $99 / month. I need to double check, but I think you wouldn’t need a website or hosting if you used ClickFunnels. Thrive Architect is $67 for a one-time price. An autoresponder is around $20 a month. Web hosting is around $10 a month. (Unless you’re a member of Wealthy Affiliate, then it’s included in the Premium price.) 

      I know this seems like it adds up, but this is the cost of doing business online. And it’s still WAY less than trying to open a brick and mortar store. 

      Plus, I believe if you follow the steps as they tell you, you can certainly make your money back – and then some. Which is the point of doing business online, right? To make money. Lots of it. lol 

  2. When I first heard about funnellogics, I thought it was a scam. After reading your review, it’s refreshing to see that not every product on the internet about internet marketing is a scam. I was a little worried when you mentioned click funnels. I know that it is a good product but it’s too pricey at my current IM level. I like that I can use Thrive for a one time fee. That is more up my speed! How fast can I reasonably get a decent funnel up and running with funnellogics?

    • Hey Eric! ClickFunnels is definitely pricey, but I know a lot of people are happy with it. (Possibly because they are taking advantage of their great affiliate marketing program!) 

      I love, love, love Thrive Architect though. I think it’s easy to use and does everything I need it to! 

      Since they provide the funnels for you, and assuming you have everything you need (an existing site and an autoresponder), you could have a funnel up in just a matter of minutes. They make it really easy!

  3. Funnellogics is new to me.
    It’s a pity that some people think they don’t have to work for anything, right?
    Anything worthwhile is worth putting in hard work for.
    The video is very interesting. It’s a good testimonial.
    I do have some skills from the training of the program I am already a member of so that would help tremendously.
    The training is really important because that’s the way to learn all about Funnellogics.
    I’m just wondering how much will cost every month when you add it up?

    • The cost will depend on which products and services you use. 

      With ClickFunnels, it would be $37 for Funnellogics, $99 / month for ClickFunnels (I don’t think you need WordPress or a host with ClickFunnels) and about $20 / month for an autoresponder. Plus, they advise buying leads and / or buying ads. 

      With a WordPress site, it would be about $10 for hosting / month (unless you’re with Wealthy Affiliate, then hosting is included in the Premium membership), $67 one-time fee for Thrive Architect, about $20 / month for an autoresponder. Plus, paid traffic. 

      There’s a cost, but the point is to use these funnels to sell enough to make much more than the costs. Funnels help streamline that process and make it easier to get to the profit point. 

  4. Hi Christina,

    thanks for your review of Funnel Logics. I think it helped me understand a number of things, though to be honest, I’m still quite confused about what Funnels are. 

    I guess I understand a bit affiliate marketing, and funnels are a method to do it, but still I find the price of $37 to be quite low for all that they are offering… so… maybe it’s worth a try… especially if there is no need for ClickFunnels because you found a free way around it?! 

    thanks for the clarifications… Phil  

    • Hey Phil! Funnels are still kind of new to me too, but I can’t wait to try out Funnellogics and get a better understanding. 

      A funnel helps focus a person on a particular product. So, Funnellogics already has ready-made funnels that you can load up directly to your site. 

      Let’s say you’re in the pet niche. They have a funnel that you load up to your site. All it does is show a page to someone with a headline, like “Potty Train Your Dog in 7 Days” and they have to fill in their email. 

      Once they fill in their email, they will be directed to a product that helps them train their dog in 7 days. 

      Now you have their email and can follow up with that same offer or other offers. 

      A funnel is directing them toward a certain product that can help them. I hope that helps! 

  5. Hey Christina,
    I am inspired to read your informative reviews about funnellogics. And I’m glad to know that this is not a scam. I got much experience hearing Freddy’s story. I think, following the successful man is the secret key to success. Although, honesty and hard work must be necessary. I’m just new to affiliate business. A few days ago I opened a website which niche is literature. But I don’t understand how to optimize SEO. Would you mind if, can you help about this matter? Anyway, thank you sincerely for writing this valuable review with some wonderful videos. Take care.


    • I absolutely agree with you that if someone is successful, and you want to do the same as them, then do exactly as they say and you will be successful too. I truly believe that.

      As far as SEO goes, here’s a post I have up about it, and I recommend a course in there: How to Get More Traffic with Your Blog. That SEO course really helped me boost my traffic from Google. 

  6. Hi Christina Piccoli,

    This is a great informative and educative product review about Funnellogics. I have just finished reading this excellent review about that product. After reading this article, I have no doubt that this is not a scam and affiliate marketer and online business owner can use it for their business growth. I believe that many people will also find great help and proper guideline after joining that site. I am planning to try this product  soon. 

    • Thanks so much for your thoughts on my Funnellogics review!

  7. Hi, Christina, I definitely want to look deeper into Funnelogics. The second I saw ‘Done for You System’ in the title, I thought I was about to read about a scam review, but to be honest, it has zero scam traits. The $197 one-time fee is a steal, in my opinion. I realize you may have to make more investments, such as buying traffic, an autoresponder, etc, but investments come with any business. I personally wouldn’t be opposed to such investments. I like what I read here, and it would work in fantastic conjunction with WA. 

    • Yes, every business has investments, but thankfully online marketing has some of the lowest starting costs. And if you’re going to do anything online and make money at it, those tools are going to be necessary anyway. For instance, I already had an autoresponder (ConvertKit) and Thrive Architect before I even found Funnellogics. These are just standard things in our business. 

      Not only that, but these are tools that can help you make more money, so it’s a no-brainer. I consider that to be the same with Funnellogics as well. If’s a tool that can hep you make more money. More money is always better. 🙂 

  8. Great review on Funnellogics. I like the Funnellogics program and the material that they provide. This looks great for sales’ funnels and driving traffic. A money-back guarantee pretty much eliminates the red flags. I’m definitely not an expert in funnels so I will check this out further, and share your link with a few friends, thank you!

    • What I like about Funnellogics is that you can get started making money pretty quickly. With my #1 recommendation, Wealthy Affiliate, they use SEO strategies that take a little longer. You do have to invest in buying traffic with Funnellogics, but if you’re an impatient person, then it could be the perfect way to go with online marketing. 

  9. Funnellogics definitely seems like an great program for helping your landing pages and funnels to start producing profits for them.  However you said they do have some training on their platform?  I definitely am in agreement with your  recommendation for Wealthy Affiliate as a stater program to help build a website, which I am in the progress of doing; however I do not know anything about how to create a landing page or a funnel or how to use an automated email (like aweber, get reponse or convert kit; does funnellogics show you how to incorporate all of this?  I did use clickfunnels in the past and they do have a great platform; but to be honest I got overwhelmed with all the information, I dropped it (my own fault, not because there was anything wrong with  clickfunnels).  This definitely looks like a program I will want to look more into after my completion of Wealthy Affiliate training (don’t want to overload myself with too much information again.

    Thank you for this review,


    • Hey Robert! Funnellogics does have training. What’s great about them is that you don’t have to build out your own funnel, you can just grab theirs. They’ve already designed some landing pages / email capture pages that you can just put up on your own site. 

      As far as email marketing, they have training on that. There’s trainings on Aweber and GetResponse. 

      If you’re at Wealthy Affiliate, they also have training on funnels, so I would look into that first. (Jay covered funnels in his weekly live trainings.) As I mentioned, the benefit of Funnellogics is that they already have things done for you that you can just grab and use on your own site. 


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