I got this wonderful email in my inbox today touting a product as new, unseen, legal AND ethical!
Hey, are we off to a good start or what? My friends from Smart Cash App sent this one to me. We know how that review went, so I’m not sure about this one. But I like to give everything a fair chance because sometimes I think something’s going to be a terrible waste of time and money, and they turn out pretty good!
When I clicked on the link in the email. This is what I saw. Uh oh! This is not a great start.
Let’s dive into this one. What is The Wealth Project? Can you really make $17,520 in your first week starting today in under 30 minutes and the specific amount of 21 clicks? Or is Wealth Project a scam?
We’ll get into the details soon! But first, here’s your chance to skip all of that stuff below and instead learn all about my favorite way of making money online – affiliate marketing. Now, a lot of these types of products are also affiliate marketing products. But many times they are not teaching you how to do things the right way.
What happens is that if you purchase these types of products, they’re not going to teach you the real way to create and set up a website, find good keywords, and bring in traffic. If you don’t learn how to set everything up correctly, your website will never get off the ground. Google won’t like it. People won’t find it. Without people, you can’t make sales.
Let me talk to you more about this in my Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners. I’ll take you through the whole affiliate marketing process so you can see how it all works. Just click the button below and we’ll get started.
Click the Button to Get Access to My Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners and Learn the Proper Way to Set Up an Affiliate Marketing Website.

Here are the areas we’ll explore in this Wealth Project review.
- What is Wealth Project?
- How Does Wealth Project Work?
- Is Wealth Project a Scam or Legit?
- My #1 Affiliate Training Recommendation
- Wealthy Affiliate Versus Wealth Project
What is Wealth Project?
Product: Wealth Project
Cost: $37
Owner(s): James Robertson (fake name)
[yasr_overall_rating size=”medium”]
This is your standard sales video that we’ve seen time and time again. They all use almost the same exact script! If you’ve seen any of the reviews below, then you basically can stop right here because you’ve already seen this one too!
But if you are a glutton for punishment, then go ahead. Keep reading!
This video starts off like all the others. This is a “private” video and we’re not allowed to share with others. They only want people who are a “good fit” for The Wealth Project. (This is nuts. Of course they want you to share it. That’s how they make money. This is just a sneaky marketing trick to make you feel like you’re special.)
Here are all the super important things I learned about The Wealth Project:
- This is one simple system can make you money every day for the rest of your life
- You can get started today in under 30 minutes and 21 clicks! (This one kills me. 21 clicks? Hilarious!)
- They guarantee this will be the most important video you see this year
- The Wealth Project has the potential to help you earn a serious income of up to $17,520 per week (suurrrrure it does…)
- No previous online experience required
- In the last 3 months, The Wealth Project has helped 135 ordinary people make loads of cash
The video then went on to talk about some of the people using the system. They didn’t actually have testimonials this time, “James” (the fakely-named creator of the program) just talked about these people. There weren’t even fake photos or anything!
- Kevin made $9,565.55 last week. (Kevin who? No idea!)
- Julie made $12,317. (Again, vague person.)
- Brian from Sout Africa made $15,126 last month using this system.
This has nothing to do with:
- Filling out online surveys
- Investing in Bitcoin or other Cryptocurrencies
- Anything Blackhat or illegal
James is going to reveal everything you need to make serious money online. (Sure he o!)
He says you can make this kind of money in your very first week.
Er, no. This is not going to happen. I mean, it could happen eventually through hard work, and persistence, but not in your first week. And, from what I’ve seen of this video so far, probably not with this system. But we’ll see in a bit!
Right after, the video talks about imaging being able to jet off first-class style to Bora Bora, driving a Bentley and a Ferrari and living in a huge mansion. I mean, come on. Are we still doing this in these videos??
Why is James giving away SUCH a powerful system? Why doesn’t he just keep it for himself? Because when you win, he wins. (This is somewhat true with affiliate marketing. If you ended up selling his product, both of you would make commission on the sales. But then there’s the next slide.)
Yea, that’s not true. If you purchase this product, the creator of the product does make money from you. There’s nothing wrong with that. That’s how it works when you buy stuff. But I don’t know why this is mentioned.
Our creator introduces himself as James Robertson. He says he’s a writer, researcher and online business expert. He’s got his story of how this all started, of course! I’ll make it short and sweet for you.
James was working full time at a restaurant for minimum wage. He was dead broke. He looked for jobs, but it was rejection after rejection! He was on the verge of giving up. He kept hearing about people making money online. He watched a million YouTube videos. He implemented what he learned. In his first week a little over $150. Next week he made $475. He scaled up his system and crossed $1000 per day threshold! Went on 2-week vaca with his family and still made $7,280 on autopilot. He didn’t lift a finger while he was away!
Then, from his experience, James developed The Wealth Project. Now you get a chance to copy his exact system that makes him looooaads of money. All for the low, low price of $37. (All of these programs are $37. That’s like the magic “secret system” number.)
Alright, as usually we have NO Idea what that $37 will get us. Let’s see if we can figure it out.
P.S. Want to watch this amazing video yourself? (There wasn’t even 1 picture in this one. Not even 1 Ferrari. Not 1 mansion. He talks about those things, but doesn’t show them. I don’t know if this is good or bad, but it makes for a less interesting video when there are 0 visuals.)
How Does Wealth Project Work?
I don’t usually buy the products that I review just because you can generally tell whether they’re worth it by the sales video. This sales video was absolutely full of red flags, and there was no reason to purchase this product. But I did it anyway because I really wanted to see what you get for your money. Sometimes I’m just really curious!
As soon as I paid, I was immediately taken to another sales video for an upsell of $197. It’s some system to fast-track my success so I can multiply my earnings. Why couldn’t they give that to me as part of the normal membership? This just annoys me. I thought the first product was good enough to earn me $17k a week? Why do I need this one? Again, the video tells you absolutely nothing about what you’ll be getting for your $197.
Next, I clicked “No Thanks” on the upgrade offer and now I get another upgrade offer for Wealth Academy Pro. (Wealth Academy???) This one is for $177. UGH. Frustrating.
I pushed “No Thanks” again and I got ANOTHER sales video for ANOTHER upsell. And they mentioned Wealth Academy again!! Is this Wealth Academy in disguise? Probably! This upsell is called Wealth Academy Social and is “only” $97. Sheesh, this is annoying!
I hit “No Thanks” again and I finally got to the original thing that I bought. Regular ol’ Wealth Project. And what did I get?
I logged into the member’s area, and I was presented with 12 Lessons on these topics:
- Wealth Project Method 1.0
- Cheat Sheet
- Mind Map
- Resource Report
- Sales Page & Thank You Page
- Sales Videos
- Legal Pages
- Graphics
- Banners
- Email Templates
- eCovers
- Social Media Pack
Besides this, there are 3 other Wealth Project subjects with 1-3 lessons in each of them: Wealth Project CPA, Wealth Project Traffic Course, Wealth Project FBA, which looks like it has something to do with Amazon.)
Oh, you know those upsells they were trying to get me to buy? They’re already included. There are additional courses for Wealth Project 2.0, Wealth Project Pro, and Wealth Project Social. Perhaps this is a coding error and they won’t be there forever? I’m not sure.
Anyway, I’m not going to go through every single thing since this will be WAY too long, and because I’m not about to steal someone’s stuff! But, I want to give you an overview of what the product is like.
The training is mostly downloadable e-books, with a few videos thrown in there. The e-books are actually pretty good, but at the same time, they are a bit hard to follow. They go over how to do some things, and give you some of the steps, but there isn’t a clear step-by-step path for each thing.
One of the things they talk about in the first e-book is keywords and using long-tail keywords. This is great, but they don’t mention how to find these keywords. They also talk you through setting up an entire Amazon affiliate site, from buying a domain, getting hosting, finding products, etc. They take you through some of the steps, but this is a bigger set-up process and needs much more detail than a 50-page e-book can give.
I did find a few things that they mentioned that I haven’t heard of, and I made notes to look them up. So, that’s a plus!
There are all kinds of sales pages, sales videos, banners, etc. that you can download, but it’s really confusing. They’re for another product called Amazon Affiliate Profits. I suppose you can use them as an affiliate offer? I didn’t see where it says how to use them or what you’re supposed to do with them.
I really wanted to see the traffic course. It’s another PDF and it goes through various social media platforms. I did actually see a couple of platforms that I haven’t heard of, so I will be interested to learn more about those. It didn’t at all talk about SEO and how to get ranked (except through using YouTube videos.), so that was disappointing. And look what I see! Wealth Project seems to be Wealth Academy!
OK, that’s enough rambling from me. Do I recommend this course?
Is Wealth Project a Scam or Legit?
You know, it’s not a bad course. I can see someone put a lot of effort into it, and I appreciate that. I’m giving this one my middle thumb, but I’m still going to add it to my Not Recommended list. It’s definitely not a scam, but there are more downsides than upsides to it.
First of all. Their sales video is full of lies. I have to dock them points for that. I understand that if sales videos said “You can make money online but it’s going to take a crap ton of work and time! Buy this course and I’ll show you!” people might not be as excited about the product. The thing is, telling someone they can get started making money right away – $17k in their first week!!! – is a downright lie. In fact, it might take you a week just to get through this course!
Secondly, I actually did learn a few things from the course myself. So, I like that. I like learning new things. If you’re just getting started, I think this will be a good overview of how to get an Amazon site set up, but I think actually implementing their steps could be confusing for you. They don’t really walk you through how to pick a good domain, how to set up your hosting, how to set up your website once you have it. Then, they don’t go into keywords and how to find good ones and how to rank in Google. They don’t tell you how to set up Google Analytics.
Not only that, there’s this confusing issue with all the banner and sales pages for a completely different product. What is all that for?
Finally, I don’t like that they try to charge you upsells for things that are already available with your original purchase! What if I would have bought the first upsell for $199, and then everything was in there anyway? What kind of thing is that? Again, could just be a glitch, but it’s not good. Why have upsells anyway? Give someone all the tools they need to succeed!
My #1 Affiliate Training Recommendation
Yes, I know I am biased toward Wealthy Affiliate because I am a member there. Yes, if you sign up with Wealthy Affiliate through me, I’ll make a small commission. I understand that makes it seem like I just promote them because I make money from them.
I am upfront and honest with you about all of that because I want you to believe me when I tell you that Wealthy Affiliate is the reason I even have a website. They taught me how to do everything. When I mention the missing parts in Wealth Project’s training, those missing parts are important. Without them, your website isn’t going to go anywhere, or it’ll take much, much longer to figure out how to make it successful.
Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to do everything, step-by-step from start to finish. They also include domain purchases, web hosting, training, keyword research tool (AND what keywords are and how to use them), weekly live trainings, site support and a community of thousands all doing this thing.
So yes, I am biased toward Wealthy Affiliate. But I could choose to promote any product or service. I choose them because they are the best and I KNOW they can help you succeed too. So, obviously, it’s your choice whether to try Wealth Project. From my experience, I just know it’s going to be difficult to get through it and come out on top.
In fact, if you want to try Wealth Project, here’s the link. (I don’t usually include a link for not recommended products, but it was such a borderline of whether or not to include this as recommended or not recommended.)
If you’d like to try something else, you can join Wealthy Affiliate as a Free Starter Member to see what it’s like. And you can remain a starter member for as long as you like (no credit card required). You’ll get access to the Premium features for 7 days so you can get a feel of the whole thing. Try it out and see for yourself!
Click the Button to Grab Your Free Starter Membership and see how to REALLY Create a Profitable Website Step-By-Step!

Wealthy Affiliate Versus Wealth Project
As you can see, Wealthy Affiliate has everything you need to be successful as an affiliate marketer. While there is some step-by-step training videos in The Wealth Project, they are within the “upsell” portions of the product, which may or may not be available to you when you buy the product. Also, the step-by-step videos are just like PowerPoint presentations on video. They’re not as in-depth as what Wealthy Affiliate offers.
One of the biggest issues that I have with these one-and-done kind of purchases is that there’s no support. Who can you go to if you have questions, get stuck or just need some motivation? Wealthy Affiliate’s community is ALWAYS there when you need help. THAT is huge.
Do you have any questions or comments about The Wealth Project? Leave them for me down below!
Hi there! Thank you for the honest reviews. I feel like nowadays we came across on money making online from home gigs several times a day. Do not get me wrong, I am pro on making money online, but I hate those false marketing that claims that you will make tons of money in a week. Rome wan’t built in a day, I always remind myself this every time I came across these welcoming sites saying that you will make $10,000 in a week. Lets be honest here can we make that amount per month as a newbie?
Thank you for taking your time and let us know that this is yet again not a very good portal to make money online.
“Rome wasn’t built in a day.” Yes, that’s perfect! Anything worth doing takes time and effort. I always think about it like losing weight. Yes, everyone wants to lose weight quickly, but that never works out. Instead, if you take the time to eat well and exercise daily, you will lose weight over time. And it’s worth it right? We just need some patience out there!
From the moment I hear about an opportunity of making loads of cash within a very short period of time, I start doubting the program. I lost a lot of money in the past because of such programs. $17,520 in just one week of starting online, pure madness! I am looking for an online adventure but I don’t think Wealthy Project can be the one.
I am logged in to your top recommandation, I will be looking at how it works in the next few weeks, as I don’t want to rush myself to subscribe. If everything goes well with me, I will then subscribe.
Thank you so much
Oh yes, I started doubting it too as soon as I saw that ridiculous amount of money. I mean, yes, you can eventually make that. But with time and effort! Not right away in the first week. It’s just a bummer that they had to start like that because the product actually isn’t too bad. But giving those high income claims is not a great way to start in my book.
Hi Christina, I can imagine your frustration with the different upsales and upgrades. Most of these programs, in my opinion, do not hold water and are just geared towards sales and subscription and would not tell you how to make the said amount of money as they promised. Wealthy Affiliates has, so far, been the most credible i found and i enjoy being a part of it it everyday. Your experience has further increased my perception. Thanks
I’m glad you’re enjoying the benefits of Wealthy Affiliate! They’re not out there like these other videos saying “Make thousands in 10 clicks of a button while you sleep!” lol They just give you the tools and training you need to succeed. The rest is up to you!
Hi, you did some efforts to review this program. I think I would have run just after reading that I can make 17’520 in my first week, because I want to make 17’530 in my first week lol.
The 21 clicks sound fun too, I think just to click all the up sales off you spend half the clicks up.
I don’t understand why these program sellers use such stupid and unrealistic statements. If they have some value to share and $37.00 would not be too much for some real quality training, they could just say so.
But possibly one has to sell like this these days.
I think you’re right that these types of videos do make more sales. I don’t think a lot of people are used to seeing them the way that we do, so they don’t know that every single video is exactly the same and full of empty promises. But that’s what I’m trying to help out with so that people know what they’re getting into if they decide to make a purchase!
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts!
Thanks for the heads up on this one. So many of the “make money online” opportunities have the same familiar ring to them. The advertising tugs at the emotional strings of someone who is struggling financially with promises that within a short period of time all their problems will go away with the click of a few buttons. The reality is, the financial struggle is not alleviated but increased as they spend money to make money.
As you indicate in your review, if an opportunity is not upfront about how much you are going to spend in order to succeed, it should be a warning flag. The opportunities get you to register for a “low fee” but then start reeling you in with one upgrade after another and before you know it, you are forced to make a decision on whether to “go all in and hope for the best” or “cut your losses”.
Either way, you end up disappointed with either a bad investment of time and money, or in having thrown money away for nothing.
I am a Wealthy Affiliate member and the option to sign up for free was attractive to me. I encourage anyone who wants to get into online business to take the free test drive. There is no need for me to hype it up here. Check it out for yourself and let the platform do it’s work of convincing you that it’s the real deal.
I mean, I’m not actually totally against upsells. It’s a strategy that even brick-and-mortar stores use. But the amount of upsells I was given, plus the fact that all of those products were available anyway…well, that irritated me! I really prefer when you get the whole product at once. Make the price a little higher if necessary. But give me all the tools so I can succeed!
Thank you for your thoughts about Wealthy Affiliate! I always encourage interested people to sign up for a Free Starter Membership before buying into it. I realize that affiliate marketing isn’t for everyone. So why put money into it before you know if you like it or not?
Great review. I love the fact that you pull no punches!
Despite your review stating that you give it a 2 out of 5, I was impressed that you took the time to buy the product and mention the parts that were OK. This is something I rarely see when reading reviews, so for me that was really useful.
Thanks also for saving me time by mentioning other products that are very much like this one. Awesome.
Hey Jon! I’m glad you enjoyed this review and found some value in it. I don’t always buy the products, but once in a while it’s good to see what’s going on inside the curtain, so to speak. It’s too bad the sales video for this one wasn’t too good because they could show the product in the video and I think it would do pretty well. But alas, they chose to sell the dream instead. I guess the dream sells better!